No, it's more of a set of observations if you will. A careful anthropological study of the Amsterdam citizenry and their frankly farcical way of going about things. That and just some general, you know, advice.
Dutch accents: Nonsensically, when Dutch people speak English, they pronounce "s" as "sh." I only found this out when I went into a cafe and was invited by the barperson to "sit anywhere!"
I thought, "Bit weird but when in Rome and all that." It was only after an undignified scuffle during which I was severly handicapped by my trousers being round my ankles that I found out the ghastly truth.
So beware of falling into that trap. It's easily done.
Bicycles:When you ride your bike there are a few unspoken "rules of the road" that the Dutch abide by.
1. When cycling, just do whatever the bloody hell you want.
2. When parking your bike, try to find a safe place to park where it won't be an inconvenience to other road users. If you can't spare the 10 goddam seconds it takes to do this seemingly straightforward task, then just hurl the fucking thing on the floor any-old-where you arseing well please. See fig 1, 2 & 3 below.
Fig 2 
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