Don't waste your time reading this stupid blog

It's just a sweary rant.

Monday, 20 December 2010

My new boat. The Tirpitz.

She's a traditional Dutch cheesing schooner. An L-type which as we all know became a new benchmark for this type of wherry. Despite this formidable seafaring pedigree, when I look at her I can't help thinking that she looks a bit, you know, shit.
Do you know what I'm starting to think think?
I think the boat bloke is playing the slippery eel with me. I'm starting to think that none of the boats he's given me so far have been all that waterproof. Could it be so? Nah. I'm sure she's going to provide me with many a bouyant nautical mile. No more soggy sandwiches for me.

L-class cheesing schooner. The mighty Tirpitz.

1 comment:

  1. Her structure might be good and ideal, but it’s true that she really needs a great makeover. I hope the engine is in good condition when you purchased the boat. That, plus remodeling it, could mean an expensive job; which is not very practical. Good luck!

    Kent Garner @ Whites Marine Center
