Amsterdam is famous for two things and two things only. Oilleballen (literal translation Oily-balls) and illuminated bike racks. That's it. Nothing else.
With Oillieballen, what you're looking at there is a spherical doughnut. They're delicious and the Dutch love nothing better than wrapping their lips round one of their neighbours oily balls. The other thing for which Amsterdam is renowned all over the world, is less well known. Their famous illuminated bike racks. Known locally as Illjuminated Bijke Rjackeeenisljissvanseeergrachtenstrassevijnrack.
Inconveniently, the bikes must be lifted several feet into the air and hooked over two prjongs (prongs) which project either side of a central shaft. A powerful light is mounted atop to shed light on the pitiful spectacle of a stoned idiot trying to lock his crappy bike to one of these hilarious examples of "mad" Dutch thinking.
One of Amsterdam's famous secret illuminated bike racks

2. At one time, loony painter Salvador Dali, lived in Amsterdam. Look, I found his bike on the Groot Bridjge (Literal translation - Great Bridge). No wonder he cut his earhole off.
Salvador Dali's bike.