Don't waste your time reading this stupid blog

It's just a sweary rant.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

I ask you (part ii)

Look. I discovered the thing on my phone that makes photos look like polies.
Look at this parking. This is fairly typical. Though there is a perfectly good bike parking area about 1 foot away, this person has opted to park his bike right in the middle of the pavement. Not even parallel to the way people walk. No. Right across the fucking pavement. People will often do this with cars so that there is absolutely NO room to get past and pedestrians have to walk into the road. Bizarrely no one gets annoyed about this and they just shuffle past. Which is a miracle because Chinese people seem to get cross with each other quite a lot. The sight of two women standing in the middle of the road (Ruijin Lu if you must know. Right outside the hospital) yelling at each other while buses and cars wormed their way round them was quite entertaining. Not just for me. Quite the crowd gathered.
I can only think that there are so many people here the only way to stay sane is to think you are the only person on the planet and it is quite within your rights to do just exactly what you arseing well like.
Which in a communist country may not be the wisest of choices.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

I ask you.

You leave them alone for a couple of seconds and look what happens. Newleyweds. I suppose we can't blame them. Which leads me onto the honeymoon. Why is it called "honeymoon?"
The explanation is laughably simple. The couple are really sweet so that's why it's honey. And, especially in olden days, it was often the first time the groom had seen his wife's naked bottom. From which we get moon.
Thus Honey Moon and from there Honeymoon.

Newleyweds eh? They can't wait.

Monday, 26 September 2011

The happy couple.

Cardboard boxes containing wedding chocolates
One of the tiniest girls in the office got married at the weekend and the following Monday, gave everyone some chocolates in these rather alarming boxes. Naturally I ate them in about 3 seconds flat including a small sliver of ( I assume) paper  that you weren't supposed to eat. I ate it anyway.
What's with the teeth? Everything else is quite sweet. Little feet, nice tits, funny little flies "detail" and western eyes but great big gnashers. A row of giant incisors. That's right, bloody gargantuan Hamspsteads.

Oh, our Chinese cousins and their ways.

Over the weekend, I ran for five miles, ate vegetables and had two excellent naps (well a nap and a pre-nap, nap) and only managed three pints. In a word healthy. So I went to The Blue Frog last night and had a Swiss Cheese Burger and two well earned pints of Tiger. Oh boy. The Blue Frog? Blue Heaven more like.
Was going to go to The Chalet but The Frog has two for one burgers on a Monday night. You get the picture.

Friday, 23 September 2011

I'm back in the mop city

They're going to need more balloons if this baby's ever going to fly.

I'm back in Shangers. Just for a few weeks. Nothing's changed. The Chinese are all mad, the food mostly still has the beak on and mops continue to decorate the boulevards and thoroughfares of this Paris of the East. Named so because everyone is as rude, obstructive and hoity toity as the bloody French farts who live in Paris.
So far I've  done nothing but work.
Work, work, work the live long day. I may as well be in Saffron Walden for the amount of Shangers I get to see.
Anyhoo. I mentioned in past posts about a bar called The Kangaroo. A splendid place. All scruffy, graffitied, and down at heel. Just my kind of place. Well guess what? They did it up while I was away. Man alive! Why can't they leave my stuff alone the bar wankers. They've done it half arsed as well. So it is now,neither nice nor nasty. It falls, my one friend, between two stools. And no one likes that.
Having said that I go there a lot because of two reasons:-
1. It's near.
2. I'm very lazy.
d) It does quite good pizza.

When it was really scruffy I accidentally left my mobile phone there, though I didn't know that was where it was. I went back four days later and got one of the girls to ring my telephone on the off chance that it had slipped down the back of a chair. We heard it ringing and found it on the floor. Meaning no one had swept or cleaned the floor in four days. Nice. 

View from the bedroom window. Much the same as the view from my last bedroom window.